Here's this week's manga update from my reading list.
ahead! This post contains detailed summaries. So if you would prefer
to read them yourself, please visit your favorite scanlation sites, or
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Naruto Chapter 579: Brothers, Fight as One!!
Itachi and Sasuke face off against Kabuto, who hides under his hood and summons snakes to aid him. Kabuto unleashes the snakes, which the two brothers defend against by summoning their individual Susa'ano. One of the Susa'ano grab at the hood, but find it to be empty. Itachi is unable to sense where Kabuto really is, with chakra flying around the cave in abundance. Kabuto tells them that he is employing the same liquid transformation technique as Suigetsu and the recovery power from Karin, who he reveals is a member of the Uzumaki clan. He commends Sasuke for choosing them as his companions along with Juugo. Kabuto also tells them that he gained his abilities by training at Ryuchi-Dou, eventually surpassing Orochimaru's own abilities. He tells them that he was able to become a true sage, eventually surpassing the snake form and have turned into a dragon.
Bleach Chapter 485: Foundation Stones
The mysterious king hears the report of his soldier, who is still reeling from the loss of his arm. Inoue, Sado, Ishida, Yuki and Shino wait for Ichigo. Ichigo arrives, but Ryunoosuke's denrei shiki rings before he could tell them what happened. Ryuunosuke tells them that he had to return to Soul Society to attend the funeral of Sasakibe. Meanwhile, the events leading to Sasakibe's death are being assessed by the shinigami and it is determined that the intruders can use a transportation mode that can get through Soul Society's shakonmaku. Ichigo, feeling restless, goes out on patrol, while thinking about Ishida's assessment that Yuki received many details regarding Sasakibe's death because the shinigami knew that he was with Ichigo, indirectly informing him about the situation and giving him a heads up that they might ask for his help in the future. He is surprised by the appearance of Nel, who falls down on him and tells him about Hueco Mundo. The soldier, Luders Friegen, tells his king that they will engage in battle with Soul Society in five days. But the king is only interested in learning about the present and delivers Luders a blow. The king turns to Ivan and commends him for slowing down Ichigo, telling Ivan that he will become the foundation stone to build peace and kills him as well. One of the figures ask the king if it's advisable that he dispose of so many Arrancars, but the king replies that he can get as many Arrancars as he wants. The king walks towards a chained Harribel and tells the figures that they already own Hueco Mundo, which he intends to use as another foundation stone to invade Soul Society.

One Piece Chapter 661: The Lake of Bandits
The centaurs launch their bazooka again and again in an effort to capsize the boat carrying Luffy, Zoro, Robin and Usopp. The centaurs, led by the alligator centaur Boss, celebrate when they do capsize the boat. With Luffy and Robin unable to swim, Zoro makes an attempt to get them out of their conundrum, but is dragged down by an underwater creature. Boss reveals that the lake is actually part of the sea. Usopp panics while trying to keep himself, Luffy and Robin afloat. The centaurs aim their bazookas, but are taken out by Brook, who have frozen their bazookas, causing them to backfire. Brook defeats the centaurs, as Zoro surfaces after defeating the sharks underwater. The centaurs get ready to fight Luffy, Zoro, Robin and Usopp, who have arrived on dry land, but the centaurs are unnerved at the looks the four gave their furs, knowing full well that they intend to take their fur. Boss finally recognizes Luffy as a wanted man. Meanwhile, Smoker and Tashigi face against Trafalgar Law in front of the research facility. Trafalgar uses his power "shambles" causing Nami, Sanji, Chopper and Franky to switch personalities, to keep them from running away with the children. Trafalgar uses "scan" to steal all of the den den mushi that the Marines are carrying to keep them from reporting to the government. Smoker recognizes Trafalgar's abilities to be caused by the Ope Ope fruit, which allows a person to modify reality at will. Trafalgar strikes, which Smoker dodges easily. His marines, however, were easily cut down, separating their body parts but are still alive. Smoker tells them to get out of the circle, which is Trafalgar's operating room. The operating room is an area where Trafalgar rules the reality, which earns him the nickname The Surgeon of Death. Tashigi attacks Trafalgar and is easily cut in half.

Katekyo Hitman Reborn Chapter 378: Surprise Attack
Vindice attacks all of the remaining teams even if the official battles have not yet taken place. Iemitsu tells Lal that they can attack, because they are not wearing the battle watches. The Vindice member tells them that they intend to break all the boss watches, and continues his attack. The Sanda house is damaged, causing Nana to come out and is subsequently targeted by the Vindice member. Mukuro orders his team to withdraw so he can earnestly fight with the Vindice member. He gets distracted by Flan and Mukuro's head is grabbed by the Vindice member. The members of the Varia are down, with the exception of Xanxus and Squalo who both refuse to retreat. The Arcobaleno are all at the hospital, watching over Skull, who was able to survive the explosion to the head because of his undead body. As they discuss the participation of the Varia, the others confront Reborn on his decision to participate in the battle. Reborn doesn't answer, and Yuni and Fon are left to explain in his stead that Reborn didn't join the representative battle because of his curse. They tell the others that Reborn joined the battle only to train Tsuna to become the 10th Vongola boss. Colonello comments that Tsuna is steadily improving.

Fairy Tail Chapter 276: Chariot
The second day of the Dai-Matou Enbou begins with the competition "Chariot", where the participants aiming not to fall off the interconnected chariots until the finish line. Natsu, who was determined to participate no matter the competition, is suffering because of his motion sickness. He trails in a groggy state, with Gajeel and Sabertooth's Sting in the same condition just ahead of him. The three of them are trailing at the end, while Raven Tail's Kurohebi is at the head of the pack, with Blue Pegasus' Ichiya, Lami Scale's Yuka, Mermaid Heel's Risley and Quattro Cerberus' Bacchus behind him. Those who are near each other use their magic to get ahead or try to make the others fall off the chariots. Bacchus destroys the chariots and overtakes Kurohebi. Bacchus takes first place, followed by Kurohebi in second, Risley in third, Yuka in fourth and Ichiya in fifth. Natsu, Gajeel and Sting now have to fight for the last place. Their state reveals that dragon slayers can't abide transportation, which causes them extreme motion sickness. Practically crawling, Natsu and Gajeel move forward. Sting asks them why they joined the games, since he knows Fairy Tail to do things at its own pace, without caring what others think. Natsu answers that they joined for their comrades, who waited for them and protected the guild for seven years. Sting is shocked at the response, while the members of Fairy Tail cry at Natsu's words. Natsu gets 2 points and Gajeel gets 1 point at reaching the goal. The crowd is moved at their determination, with some even thinking about supporting Fairy Tail.

History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi Chapter 468: Fist of Killing vs. Fist of Killing
Sakaki tears down the walls easily to create a path that leads to where Hongo and Jenazad are battling. A group of soldiers block their path, but Menang tells them to watch their leader Jenazad's fight, which is happening overhead. At the top of a tower, Hongo and Jenazad fight, with Jenazad moving so fast, it appears that there is more than of him. Their fighting is so intense, it destroys the tower. Kenichi struggles to understand the feeling of watching two masters who are both fighting with the intent to kill. Hongo and Jenazad continue their fight along the wall of the damaged tower, intending to kill each other.
The World God Only Knows Chapter 182: True Love
Katsuragi struggles to listen to Ayumi and Chihiro's conversation, but does not hear Chihiro letting Ayumi hear the recording about his planned conquest. Katsuragi is finally able to enter the room again, with Chihiro telling him that she has crushed his plans. Ayumi asks for an explanation, but Chihiro keeps butting in to undermine him. Ayumi slaps Katsuragi and runs away. Katsuragi tells Haqua and Nora to just watch out for Vintage, Katsuragi asks Chihiro about her actions when she already knows the implication. Chihiro answers that Katsuragi has to act seriously. Chihiro tells Katsuragi that he can't lie to Ayumi and that he must fall in love with Ayumi for real. Katsuragi agrees and they leave to follow Ayumi. Akari watches the rock on the sea and wonders if Katsuragi is too late. Chihiro and Haqua wait outside of Ayumi's heart. Haqua lectures Chihiro about her actions, but Chihiro says that she acted that way in order to remove Ayumi's concerns about her feelings for Katsuragi, clearing the way for Katsuragi and Ayumi to focus on each other. Chihiro tells Haqua that as long as Katsuragi doesn't lie, Ayumi will forgive him. Chihiro asks why Katsuragi asked her out on a date in the first place, but Ayumi's arrival disrupts them. Much to their surprise, Katsuragi greets Ayumi while riding on a white horse. Katsuragi tells Ayumi that he will not apologize and will instead show her his true self.
All images courtesy of Manga Stream and Manga Reader.
You can also check out last week's manga update.
Happy Reading!! Labels: Bleach, Fairy Tail, HSDK, Manga, Naruto, One Piece, Reborn, TWGOK