On practical and impractical Christmas wish list items

Last year, I debated about writing a post containing my Christmas wish list.  I figured none of those who stumble on my blog would actually buy me a gift, so I decided against it.

But since I'm currently on my misery train that is the sickness caused by the current global warming-affected holiday weather, I thought about the things that I want.  I say "want", because I could probably live without any of the items I will list below, but it's nice to think about them nonetheless.

I'll start with books.  When asked about what I want for any occasion, I always start with books, even if I don't get to read as much as I want or should.  I have a list on my Evernote that's about as long as my arm, but I'm keeping my wish list to a choice few and most of them to start my collection of fantasy series titles I've been meaning to get around to reading. 
My next wish list category is gadgets, which I don't expect anyone to get me because they cost exorbitantly higher than books, unless I have generous friends who are hiding the fact that they are filthy rich.  This is actually more of a reminder of the things to save up for than wish list items.  Since I'm getting these for myself (only heaven knows when, though), you'll notice that I'm not particularly ambitious.  Well, the budget is limited and their future owner is averse to figuring out new technology.
As for my wish list in the impractical category, I'll have to include the Menma Nendoroid.  But seriously, don't get me this.  I would be paranoid about removing her from the box and she'd distract me with her cuteness.

And for the totally delusional category, I want to win the Lotto.  Or for Marvin to win.  Or for a friend to suddenly become filthy rich and wholeheartedly share his or her blessings by spoiling me with everything on this list.

That pretty much sums up my wish list.  And now I'm returning to work, so I can get me a laptop (eventually).  Or maybe I should get a new book first...

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