Here's this week's manga update from my reading list.
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Naruto Chapter 594: The Progenitor
Naruto and the others notice the difference in the Mazou's movement ever since Tobi fed it the mysterious jar and bottle, prompting Kakashi to remember Tobi's comment about wanting to revive it in perfect form. Tobi announces that he has revived the ten-tailed beast, and declaring the beginning and end of their world, revealing that the Mazou is the vessel of the Ten Tails. Kakashi surmises that Tobi had planned to engage Naruto in order to gather his chakra to revive the Ten Tails. Ko remembers that they left one of his legs to make the Akatsuki think that Killer Bee died in the struggle. Kurama reminded Naruto about the presence of his chakra in the mysterious jar and asks to switch with Naruto so he can explain. Kurama uses Naruto to tell the others that Tobi already has his and Ko's chakra if he is able to revive the Ten Tails, telling them about the jar and bottle that used to belong to Rikudou. He tells them that the pot used to contain Kinaku, while the bottle contained Ginkaku. The brothers had fought with Kurama, who ate them, and they in turn ate some of his stomach and gained some of his chakra. Kurama tells them that since Tobi only used part of his and Ko's chakras, he doesn't know what form the Ten Tails would take. Kakashi announces that he wants to try something before it's too late, which prompts Tobi to say that he has a big mouth and that is the reason why he lives his life in regret. Kakashi and Gai are surprised at his comment, prompting Gai to ask who he really is, but Tobi doesn't reveal his true identity. Kurama tells Kakashi that they need to act before the Ten Tails is fully revived, which would mark the end of the world. Naruto asks Kurama what makes the Ten Tails so strong. Kurama replies that it has all of the nine tailed beasts' powers, which makes it the beginning of all chakra and a god who created countries, the progenitor of everything that exists in their world. Naruto comments that they might have a chance if the Ten Tails only has a portion of Kurama and Ko's chakra. Tobi tells them that he doesn't need the Ten Tails' form to be perfect and that he just needs the genjutsu Infinite Tsukuyomi, which will affect all of the humans in the world and making them share a single consciousness, no longer needing heroes because there will be no villains and wars. Naruto switches back to his body and tells Tobi that everyone looks up to heroes and that he had heroes that he had used as guides towards his goals, including becoming a Hokage who would surpass all those who preceeded him. He tells Tobi that that is his dream, which Naruto's companions all echo. Tobi replies that individuality only makes people blind to the truth. Naruto moves to attack the Mazou, but Tobi counters his attack, determined to not let anything get in the way of the revival of the Ten Tails.
Bleach Chapter 501: Here. Fear. Here.
Ichigo tries to use Getsuga Tenshou to destroy his cage to no avail. He notices that he can't connect to Urahara using his phone, further increasing his frustration. Byakuya is injured by the opponent, telling Renji not to join the battle until he has figured out how the enemy fights. Renji asks Byakuya to let him fight instead, but his captain replies that he does not think Renji can make the enemy reveal the extent of his abilities. Byakuya silently wonders why his arms and legs are experiencing a freezing sensation, and if the light thorns are actually poisoned. Nodt asks him if he has already noticed, pointing out correctly that Byakuya must have thought that the thorns were poisoned. Nodt tells Byakuya that the feeling is something that he had lost after gaining strength and had gotten used to overwhelming his opponents. Nodt names the feeling that Byakuya is experiencing as fear, commending Byakuya's resilience, considering how most shinigami that were struck with his thorns nearly went crazy with the fear they felt, revealing that his ability is to make the enemy fear everything and doubt themselves. Nodt points out that Byakuya's fear is directed at him, but Byakuya silently refutes his words, thinking that he always knew that fear existed every time he fought with his life on the line. He thinks to himself that he has never suppressed his fear, but have instead pounded it down to acquire the power needed to win. Suddenly, he has a vision of Rukia turning into a skeleton, and the momentary shock at the image gives Nodt a chance to strike him. Nodt explains that the fear Byakuya has fought with has always been with reason, and that it's true fear that can't be escaped. Byakuya wills himself out of his state of fearful shock and strikes at Nodt, but the Quincy manages to escape and brings out the disc containing Byakuya's bankai. A single petal floats down near Rukia and she wonders about her brother. Nodt is unharmed in front of Byakuya, who is battered from the attack.
Katekyo Hitman Reborn Chapter 394: The Day of the Clash
On the fourth day of the Representative Battle of the Rainbow, the battle watches starts beeping at 3:00PM. Tsuna, Reborn, Gokudera, Yamamoto and Dino are all waiting together at a park, ready to put their plan in action. Checker Face announces the start of the next battle, which will last for 90 minutes. At the Vindice base, Bermuda confirms that Teams Reborn, Mammon and Verde are in different locations, commanding his warriors to split into three groups to engage them. He also tells them that he doesn't care if the Vindice kills their opponents, but that he wants to talk to Reborn first. The Vindice appear in front of the three teams at their respective locations. Bermuda accompanies the team he dispatches to Reborn's team to talk to the Arcobaleno, asking if he wants to join his quest for revenge. Reborn refuses his offer again, and Tsuna and the others tell Bermuda and Jager that they will prevail and save the Arcobaleno. Bermuda steps aside to let Jager fight Reborn's team, with Jager looking down on them and calling them trash. The beginning of the battle is announced and Jager immediately moves among the members of Team Reborn, commenting at their slowness. He uses his chains to behead Gokudera and finds that it's only a puppet, much to the confusion of Bermuda who had sensed their flames. Jagers slashes at the Gokudera puppet body to reveal a mechanism that contains his flames. Reborn tells the enemies that they have realized that Bermuda had the ability to sense the flames of the participants, and with the combined efforts of Verde, Shoichi and Spanner, they were able to create decoy puppets. Bermuda asks Reborn if he has teamed up with the other enemy teams, but Reborn vaguely answers. The Vindice dispatched to deal with Team Mammon finds out the same truth as Bermuda and Jager, when he suddenly falls to the ground. A voice tells the Vindice that they will pick them off one by one, revealing Tsuna with Enma and Basil.
Fairy Tail Chapter 292: All Feelings Unite
The competition portion of the Dai-Matou Enbu's fourth day ends with the brutal beating of Lucy at the hands of Sabertooth's Minerva. Minerva drops Lucy from the water sphere, with Natsu and Gray rushing to catch her. Wendy decides to provide Lucy with emergency treatment, aided by Chelia. Minerva asks why Erza is giving her a stern look, telling the Fairy Tail guild member that she should be grateful that she allowed Lucy to get second place. Before Natsu can express his full anger, Erza blocks his path as the members of Sabertooth stand with Minerva. Everybody watches the stand-off in tension. Erza tells the members of Sabertooth that she doesn't care if they are the strongest guild in Fiore, but that they have incurred the anger of the worst team to become enemies with. The members of Fairy Tail A bring Lucy to the medical ward, watching over their team mate with Porylusca. Member of Fairy Tail B arrive to check up on Lucy's condition. Lucy wakes up and apologizes to everyone, with Gray consoling her by telling her that she was able to gain 8 points for their team. Happy hands her the celestial keys, which she clutches to herself and goes back to sleep. Makarov arrives to tell them that they have been ordered to combine teams A and B of Fairy Tail for the rest of the Dai-Matou Enbu, because of the difficulty to pair the teams up after the disqualification of Raven Tail. The orders include creating a new team made up of five members from either teams and that they will start with the lower points of Fairy Tail A of 33 in the standing. Porylusca advices them to choose their new team's members carefully, with Natsu declaring that he has to take revenge for Lucy. The announcement regarding the new Fairy Tail team is made and the day's battle portion is also announced to be a tag team match. The matches will be between Blue Pegasus and Quatro Puppy, between Mermaid Heel and Lamia Scale, and between Sabertooth and Fairy Tail, with the latter considered to be the most anticipated match. With the support and confidence of their guild mates, the new team of Fairy Tail enters the arena, with Mavis declaring that they are showing the strength of their bonds. The arena shakes as the audience cheers on the new Fairy Tail team, composed by Natsu, Gray, Erza, Gajeel and Laxus, once again reflecting the former popularity of the guild. Meanwhile, Arcadia assures the nervous Datong that, even if Lucy is not part of the new Fairy Tail team, Eclipse will still take place, because Zeref is waiting. As Fairy Tail and Sabertooth regard each other, Datong contemplates about the previous name of the Dai-Matou Enbu, which was once called the Ryuuousai, also known as the banquet of dragons, humans and demons.
History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi Chapter 482: Secret Meeting at the Aquarium
Kenichi makes his way to the aquarium where he promised to meet Ryuuto. He notices Miu at the rooftops, claiming to be on her way to the Shinpaku Alliance gathering. When asked about his destination, Kenichi decides not to hide anything from Miu and decides to tell her about his meeting with Ryuuto. After expressing that he didn't Miu to worry about him, Miu bid him to take care. As they part, Miu decides not to tell the members of the Shinpaku Alliance. Meanwhile, the members of the Shinpaku Alliance are reacting on the discovery of Rimi's blog. They share their findings with Miu, telling her about the meeting at the aquarium mentioned by Rimi. Miu wonders about the connection. Rimi decides to go to the aquarium after remembering how Ryuuto mentioned Miu's name. She barely escapes Kenichi's notice, following after him when he enters the aquarium facility. Kenichi meets with Ryuuto inside the facility. Miu, worried about the information she received that Rimi was planning to follow Ryuuto in secret, decides to follow Kenichi to the aquarium. Miu suddenly realizes that she's at an aquarium and gets excited at the idea of visiting one for the first time. She enthusiastically checks out the different fish and ends up bumping into Rimi. Rimi gets angry, thinking that Ryuuto hid the information about Miu's attendance from her, and challenges Miu.
Fairy Tail Chapter 195: Beyond the Flag
Katsuragi wakes up and wonders if he has finally escaped the weird dreams. He finds himself in the middle of a seal created by the goddesses, with Elsie pounding on an invisible force field and asking what they are doing with Katsuragi. Tenri approaches Katsuragi, and tells him that he will be traveling back in time and that he needs to accomplish something when he gets there. Vulcan wonders aloud if their resurrection and Vintage are all just part of a grand scheme. Katsuragi thinks that he's still in another parallel world and decides to go back to sleep, but Tenri tells him that he should listen. While the other goddesses decide when in time they should send Katsuragi to, Haqua and Nora arrive, asking what they are doing. Tenri approaches Nora and asks if she brought the key with her, which will make it possible for Katsuragi to travel to the past. The goddesses activate their powers, and the orb lights up and flies out of Nora's hand. Tenri pulls Elsie through the barrier and asks her to go with Katsuragi to the past. Katsuragi demands to know what he has to do in the past and Tenri explains that he will find out when he gets there. Tenri also pleads to him about his importance, since he is the only one who can help them all. Tenri tells him that he has to save a girl in order to save their future, telling Katsuragi that he already met the girl he needs to save, prompting Katsuragi to think about the girl under the tree. The goddesses release a surge of power. Elsie suddenly finds herself on a street at night. She hears a voice cry out in pain and rushes to its source, calling Katsuragi. She finds Katsuragi complaining about Tenri and declaring that he will go home. Elsie is surprised to find Katsuragi as a young boy.
All images courtesy of Manga Stream and Manga Reader.
You can also check out last week's manga update.
Happy reading!!Labels: Bleach, Fairy Tail, HSDK, Manga, Naruto, Reborn, TWGOK